Well Mommy and Daddy are ready for this little man to be here!! The room is ready, the clothes are bought, the carseat is installed in the car and the diaper bag is packed. Daddy is ready to take the time off work, Grandpa and Nana Batton are looking at plane tickets to come meet the newest little grandbaby and Grandma Moyer will be coming sometime in Sept to get her spoiling time in. The Dr said that everything is going perfect and things are on track. Looks like we will have this little man before or right at 5 weeks from now. I can't believe how fast time has flown by but now that I have said that time will slow way down....that is just my luck! :)
Dakota is truly a little miracle and we are so thankful that God chose us to have this special little boy. We can't wait to hold him and see what he looks like....Daddy is always saying that he is afraid that he won't be cute but as the mommy I think that he will be beautiful and we won't care what he looks like!!
I will try to start keeping this a little more updated and will let you know when he gets here!!