Friday, August 28, 2009


Ok~so I looked at the date that this was last updated and I'm so ashamed of myself!! It has been WAY too long!! I have made myself a promise that I will keep up with it better.
So where do I begin to catch up??
Well in June Marcus' niece Diane graduated from high school. It is so hard to believe that she is that old already....makes me feel really old. She is attending Penn View Bible College this fall. We drove to PA to attend her graduation and enjoyed spending time with all of Marcus's family. We decided to take a vacation while we were out there so we drove to Lancaster and visited the Amish community. I have a great appreciation for those people....they are better then I am because there is no way I could do without electricity and air conditioning and my internet...gotta get on facebook! (or crackbook as Marcus likes to call it) Marcus's brother and family and his Mom went with us and we spent a whole day touring Lancaster. The next day we drove to Hershey PA and enjoyed touring the chocolate factory there. I was in Heaven with all the chocolate surrounding took all I had not to buy lots of it!! While we were in PA we drove to Penn View and picked Janae up and took her out to dinner. She had just gotten back from her trip to London and Ireland and it was good to catch up with her. At the end of June Marcus started school to learn how to fly a new helicopter. The one he was flying was old and the Marine Corps decided to do away with it and the V-22 Osprey is taking its place. The Osprey is a tilt rotor aircraft...meaning it can be an airplane or helicopter. It is a pretty cool aircraft! So needless to say we are back to all the studying and feeling like we are in flight school all over again. I can't wait until the school is over with in Nov. Keep praying for him that he will learn this and that God will keep him safe.
Well in July it was just busy busy with Marcus studying and Jill coming to stay with us for a few weeks. We went to the beach (ask Jill sometime about her first experiance there) and went swimming and just had a good time. It rained alot in the afternoons so we weren't able to go to the beach or swimming pool as much as we wanted.
In August I got a HUGE surprise!! My WHOLE family came and visited us for a week. I knew that Brent, Jalynn and Zack were coming and Jill was still here but I didn't know that my parents and Janae were coming. It was the best surprise ever!! We had a great time while they were here. Let me just say this....Thank God for 3 bathrooms!!! Except that sometimes that wasn't enough!! =) When you have five women in the same house you need alot of bathrooms. We went to the beach several times, drove to Wilmington to shop, played games, grilled out and just had a blast with them here!! It was the first time that Marcus and I had met Zack and let's just say that we fell in love with that little boy. In fact Uncle Marcus talks about him all the time and spoiled him rotten along with Grandpa and Nana!! He did not lack attention that is for sure. He barely touched the ground while he was here. After everyone left it was so lonely around here....we are getting used to it being quiet and just us again. I can't wait until Christmas so we can be together again.
Well I think that about catches up with everything so far. I will do better from now on because this was just a long long post! =) I do enjoy reading all of yours and am trying to become inspired from all of Brittanys spray painting.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! If you have a chance swing by this website and look at our pictures that we had taken while the whole family was here.......