Sleep becomes even more precarious due to the mode of transportation. There are several ships in our ESG (Expeditionary Strike Group), and I am stationed aboard the largest one. However, even on a ship as large as this there is good deal of rocking and rolling. We have experienced some fairly heavy seas over the last few days with some large swells. It is nice being rocked to sleep at night, however there are disadvantages as well. As the ship rolls to starboard, every unsecured door on the decks above and below the birthing area can be heard as they bang open, and then as the ship rolls hard to port all of those doors slam shut. I have been on several forays in an attempt to find all of these doors and secure them, but I can never seem to find them all. The best remedy is a set of ear plugs and a mental ability to block out the noise.
There has been only minimal flight operations so far during the trans-Atlantic. Obviously, the main goal right now is to get into the theater of operations, everything else is secondary. This presents some conflicting interests between the Marines and our chauffeurs (the U.S. Navy). They want to make a bee-line for our destination, and we want to fly. The problem is that all aircraft that fly on and off of ships have strict wind limitations or envelopes for take-off and landing. Since the runway is a ship, it can be maneuvered to give you any winds you want, but the Navy doesn’t always want to play. It is always preferable, and sometimes essential, for aircraft to take off into the wind (headwind) for purpose aerodynamics and increased lift capability. So, for example, if the winds are out of the west and the boat is heading east, we have a direct tailwind and so are out of our wind limits. If they Navy won’t turn the ship to give us proper winds, we can’t take off. So we have to work out drug deals with the Navy to get our flight time, but sometimes they just say no. That is probably more than any of you wanted to know about flight operations aboard ship.
So, in the spare time we do a lot of drills (i.e. man overboard, abandon ship, general quarters, etc.). Not very exciting. Once we get where we’re going things will become more interesting. We won’t be staying any one place for more than a few weeks unless something breaks out that requires our unique skills and abilities. We can be used in a variety of missions ranging from long range raids, prisoner snatches, humanitarian assistance, non-combatant extraction operations, casualty evacuation, etc. We will be going ashore in several locations to conduct operations from expeditionary land bases for short periods of time. As we are cleared to release information I will pass along whatever I can about where we have been and what we have done. I will send pictures from time as well. The picture attached to this email was taken a few days ago at sunset at the stern of the ship. No, it wasn’t photo-shopped. I didn’t superimpose my picture on a brochure from Carnival Cruise lines. It really is that beautiful out here.
Thanks for taking time to stop by and chat. I look forward to hearing from anyone that chooses to reply. Ya’ll take care.
I thought I'd leave you comment to say I know some of what you are feeling. Greg is on a trip right now, and I can't wait for him to get back. He takes several a year, and some overseas. My kids miss their daddy, and I really miss having him around to help out with them. We also live in a town without any family around to help out.
I know it has to be so much harder to know it is going to be months and not days. I hope you have a good support group. Just wanted you to know I understand (a little bit at least) what you are feeling.
Hey, email me Marcus' email and Lynn will write him a note. :-)
Hi!! I found your blog on my friend, Lisa Boardman's blog. I am always interested to find fellow military wives out there who are going through or have gone through some of the things I have. My husband is an EDO (Engineering Duty Officer, prior Submarine officer) in the Navy. I know exactly what you are going through because just a little over a year ago, my husband returned from a one year tour in Iraq. I will be praying for you and your husband as you are separated during this time. By the way, I think we met once in Kyle Boardman's funeral. Have a great day!!
Thinking of you must be hard. Hang in there!
Julie, your site looks great. I am so happy fall is finally here. How are y'all doing? I love your dog. I have always wanted on of them but their so big. My boys could ride him for a horse. Just wanted to say Hi while I was looking at your blog and seeing what is going on in your life. Hope you have a good rest of the week.
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